Course overview
Integrative Cardiology Case Presentations and Q&A with Audience Interaction
In this course, a panel of integrative cardiologist will review cases related to cardiovascular diseases using integrative cardiology interventions. The session ends with a question and answer segment with the panel.
Mark Houston, MD, MS, MSc
Christopher Suhar, MD
Joseph Lamb, MD
Board Review Series
AIHM 2016 Annual Conference
Required Lessons
Time to Complete
1 hour
Non-CME Eligible*
0 Credits
What you will learn
Course Summary
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Identify the current role of aspirin in the treatment of coronary heart disease.
- Recognize coronary heart disease risk categories.
- Discuss integrative treatment protocols for coronary heart disease.

Course includes:
Included in this course
Course Faculty
Mark Houston, MD, MS, MSc
About Mark
Dr. Mark Houston is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Clinical Instructor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Health Care Sciences at George Washington University (GWU), Director of the Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology and Medical Director of the Division of Human Nutrition at Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville, TN . He is the Chief Medical Officer for Ageless Solutions, US, Chief Medical Consultant for Bioceuticals and Chief Scientific officer for Bioceuticals, Australia and Chief Medical Consultant for Primal MD, Dubai, UAE.
Christopher Suhar, MD
About Christopher
Christopher Suhar, MD, is an integrative cardiologist with expertise in general cardiology and integrative medicine. He also has subspecialty training in echocardiography and nuclear cardiology. In addition to utilizing conventional medicine, Dr. Suhar uses evidence-based alternative therapies to treat patients with coronary artery disease, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol and hypertension. He also believes in prevention, working with patients to identify potential risk factors, including family history, to prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition to his clinical practice, he conducts research on the outcomes and long-term benefits of integrative medicine and lifestyle changes in people with cardiovascular disease. He is also involved in researching the benefits of new technologies for patients in cardiac rehabilitation. Dr. Suhar currently sees patients at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. He believes emotional and spiritual health are as important as physical health, and that a person is more than their physical illness. He believes that lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise and stress reduction can not only improve heart health but also reverse heart disease. When he is not caring for patients, he enjoys spending time with his family and participating in sports. He is also an Eagle Scout and enjoys hiking and camping. Dr. Suhar is the current division head of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.
Joseph Lamb, MD
About Joseph
Joseph J. Lamb, M.D. is Director of Functional Medicine for the Hypertension Institute, St. Thomas Medical Group in Nashville, Tennessee. Board certified in both Internal Medicine and Holistic Medicine, he is a frequent speaker in Integrative Medicine CME settings and is a consultant for the Nutritional Supplement Industry.
*CME/CEU Credits
The CME for this course has expired, however you will continue to have access to your purchased content.