Course overview
The Heart & Soul of Healing
This course will explore the motivators to become a healer and the expectations about healing and being a healer.
Rosalyn Bruyere, DD
Board Review Series
AIHM 2018 Annual Conference
Required Lessons
Time to Complete
1 hour
Non-CME Eligible*
0 Credits
What you will learn
Course Summary
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Describe the quality of energy they carry and the quality of energy they bring into each encounter with patients and co-workers
- Identify tools they can use to increase and strengthen their personal energy to prevent burn-out and facilitate healing
- Identify the therapeutic benefits of being attuned and connected to the energies of the heart and the soul

Course includes:
Included in this course
Course Faculty
Rosalyn Bruyere, DD
Rosalyn L. Bruyere is an internationally acclaimed healer, clairvoyant and medicine woman. Her frequent collaborations with physicians and scientists reflect her belief that healing and health should be a cooperative effort between patient, physician and healer. Her combined scientific and spiritual focus influences both her teaching and writing style and serves to bridge the gap between concept and reality.
Dual involvement in research and healing has provided a primary inspiration for Rosalyn's work. Using her skills in perceiving and interpreting auric phenomenon, she was instrumental in research conducted at UCLA with Dr. Valerie Hunt in which the existence and significance of the human aura was first proven and measured scientifically. It was here Rosalyn's capacity to "read" the human energy field was first noted. Her ability to see patterns of disease and behavior in exquisite detail and to energetically transform tissue at a cellular level has brought her worldwide attention and a reputation as one of the nation's most successful healers. See Medical Research support.
Acknowledged by the keepers of medicine and shamanic traditions on several continents, Rosalyn is committed to learning, practicing and preserving the ancient ways. The grace with which she moves between cultures, honors their sacred traditions and gathers knowledge from varying disciplines has made Rosalyn a welcome and honored guest in Hopi Kiva, African hut and Tibetan temple alike.
Founder and director of the Healing Light Center Church, Reverend Bruyere has committed her life to the teaching of these sacred and ancient disciplines, thereby providing her students with practical tools for living the spiritual life, while introducing them to the venerable traditions from which those tools are derived. Her goal is to encourage the compassionate healing and empowerment of the individual, believing that as we each heal, we can be of greater assistance in the healing of the world.
She is the originator of the whole-body technique known as Chelation which has become a classic, taught in many modern healing schools, as well as Brain Balancing and a pain-reducing skill which some have called Pain Drain.
Her book, Wheels of Light, A Study of the Chakras, is an invaluable text for the bridging of ancient and modern healing arts. Rev. Bruyere has studied extensively in areas of Egyptian temple symbology, Sacred geometry, ancient Mystery School rites, international shamanic practices, the pre-Buddhist Tibetan Bon-Po Ways, and various Native American Medicine traditions.
Rosalyn's knowledge of ancient traditions and practices has led to requests for her technical assistance on several films and documentaries. Among the more notable features on which she has served as technical consultant are "Resurrection" and "The Last Temptation of Christ".
Attractive, articulate and witty, Rosalyn is an experienced public speaker on camera and off. She has the capacity to profoundly move an audience. Not only does Rosalyn present her ideas and perceptions with charm and intelligence, but her perspectives and insights offer the promise of healthier and more fulfilling lives and a brighter future for the planet.
Dual involvement in research and healing has provided a primary inspiration for Rosalyn's work. Using her skills in perceiving and interpreting auric phenomenon, she was instrumental in research conducted at UCLA with Dr. Valerie Hunt in which the existence and significance of the human aura was first proven and measured scientifically. It was here Rosalyn's capacity to "read" the human energy field was first noted. Her ability to see patterns of disease and behavior in exquisite detail and to energetically transform tissue at a cellular level has brought her worldwide attention and a reputation as one of the nation's most successful healers. See Medical Research support.
Acknowledged by the keepers of medicine and shamanic traditions on several continents, Rosalyn is committed to learning, practicing and preserving the ancient ways. The grace with which she moves between cultures, honors their sacred traditions and gathers knowledge from varying disciplines has made Rosalyn a welcome and honored guest in Hopi Kiva, African hut and Tibetan temple alike.
Founder and director of the Healing Light Center Church, Reverend Bruyere has committed her life to the teaching of these sacred and ancient disciplines, thereby providing her students with practical tools for living the spiritual life, while introducing them to the venerable traditions from which those tools are derived. Her goal is to encourage the compassionate healing and empowerment of the individual, believing that as we each heal, we can be of greater assistance in the healing of the world.
She is the originator of the whole-body technique known as Chelation which has become a classic, taught in many modern healing schools, as well as Brain Balancing and a pain-reducing skill which some have called Pain Drain.
Her book, Wheels of Light, A Study of the Chakras, is an invaluable text for the bridging of ancient and modern healing arts. Rev. Bruyere has studied extensively in areas of Egyptian temple symbology, Sacred geometry, ancient Mystery School rites, international shamanic practices, the pre-Buddhist Tibetan Bon-Po Ways, and various Native American Medicine traditions.
Rosalyn's knowledge of ancient traditions and practices has led to requests for her technical assistance on several films and documentaries. Among the more notable features on which she has served as technical consultant are "Resurrection" and "The Last Temptation of Christ".
Attractive, articulate and witty, Rosalyn is an experienced public speaker on camera and off. She has the capacity to profoundly move an audience. Not only does Rosalyn present her ideas and perceptions with charm and intelligence, but her perspectives and insights offer the promise of healthier and more fulfilling lives and a brighter future for the planet.
*CME/CEU Credits
The CME for this course has expired, however you will continue to have access to your purchased content.