Course overview
Fully Alive Medicine for the 21st Century
This is a presentation of state-of-the-art 21st century primary care. It begins with a brief overview of the evolution of the art, science, and practice of medicine from Hippocrates through the mid-20th century transition from GP to the specialty of Family Practice, to the healing discipline of Fully Alive Medicine (FAM).
Robert Ivker
Conference Series
AIHM 2019 Annual Conference
Required Lessons
Time to Complete
1 hr 15 min
Non-CME Eligible*
0 Credits
What you will learn
Course Summary
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Recognize the key factors impacting the evolution of modern-day primary care, and how quantum physics is transforming 20th century medicine, based on Newtonian physics.
- Develop an optimal health training program for themselves.
- Utilize and teach several safe and scientifically-supported holistic healing modalities.
- Recognize the true role of a doctor – to serve as healer and teacher.

Course includes:
Included in this course
Course Faculty
Rav Ivker, DO, ABIHM
About RAV
Dr. Robert (Rav) Ivker is a holistic healer, family physician, cannabis clinician, health educator, and best-selling author of seven
holistic healing books, most notably SINUS SURVIVAL: The Holistic Medical Treatment for Sinusitis, Allergies, and Colds, 4th edition. He is a board-certified integrative holistic physician (ABIHM), a fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, the co-founder and past-president of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM), past-president of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), and a certified Healing Touch practitioner.
*CME/CEU Credits
The CME for this course has expired, however you will continue to have access to your purchased content.