Course Overview

How to Develop Transparency and Trust for our Professions

Review research within providers who commonly use spinal manipulation therapy and how integrative providers as a whole can be the role model for healthcare on implementing patient safety.
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2022 Annual Conference

October 28-30, 2022

Required Lessons

1 lesson with video, quiz, and evaluation

Time to Complete

53 minutes

Non-CME Eligible*

CME For this course has expired.

Detailed Course Info

Click the tabs below to view detailed information on this course  
Course Description
Learning Objectives
 Course Description

What is this course about?

While patient safety should be the most obvious thing we think of with patient care, throughout all of healthcare it is found to not be a topic in educational programs, within regulatory efforts, nor in continuing education standards. Integrative medicine is known to care for the patient as a whole and this care includes the patient's safety. This workshop will describe research that has been done within providers who commonly use spinal manipulation therapy and how integrative providers as a whole can be the role model throughout healthcare on how patient safety should be done - with transparency that earns trust that our patients deserve.
The CME for this course has expired, however you will continue to have access to your purchased content. 
For questions about CME credit, please contact us at The views and opinions expressed in this activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and/or the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine.
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 Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, learners will be able to...

  • Describe patient safety terminology and models throughout healthcare.
  • Discuss ongoing patient safety trials that are exploring adverse events (benign and severe)
  • Review how efforts within patient safety can increase a professions transparency and trust with their stakeholders.

What's included in this course?

This course includes the following:
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  • Video Recording
  • Downloadable Audio
  • Speaker Handout(s)
  • Quiz
  • Evaluation
  • Certificate of Completion

Course Outline

Meet Your Faculty

Katherine Pohlman, DC, MS, PhD

Katherine Pohlman, D.C., M.S. Ph.D. is Director of Research at Parker University and a senior fellow of the Chiropractic Academy of Research and Leadership (CARL) program. She received Researcher of the Year in 2020 from the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), has served as the Vice President of the ACA’s Council on Women’s Health and the ACA’s Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics. Dr. Pohlman received her Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree and M.S. in Clinical Research from Palmer College of Chiropractic and her Ph.D. in Pediatrics from the University of Alberta.


No financial relationships with any ineligible companies to disclose.

Enroll Now!

This course is self-paced with no set beginning or end date. You may complete this course on your own schedule and pace. Enrolling in and purchasing this course grants you access to its contents in perpetuity. All required course activities must be completed to earn any eligible continuing education credit(s) and obtain a certificate of completion for this course.